Our Partnership Class is offered every Fall. It is a time for learning about the "ins and outs" of POBC. We serve a light meal and encourage each one to ask questions about the church.
Sign up at our information counter and come be a part of what God's doing.
What Can I Expect From the Partnership Class?
Our pastors and staff would like you to learn more about us. At this class you will learn
- Our core values (Who we are)
- Our core assignment (Why we exist)
- Our core mission (What we do)
- Our core principles (How we do what we do)
We are eager to answer any questions you might have about this ministry.
What are Some of the Advantages of Partnership?
As a partner with us in the vision of POBC you will be educated and equipped for the work of the ministry, and in working together to build the kingdom. Your greatest and enduring relationships will begin in the common service of a God given goal.
Next Partnership Class:
"Those that are planted in the house of the Lord
shall flourish in the courts of our God..."
Psalm 92:13